
Our pricing is designed to be competitive, transparent, and flexible, offering various options to cater to different needs and scales of operation. Here’s a breakdown of our pricing options:

Fixed-Price: A fixed-price option is available for well-defined projects such as specific risk assessments, policy development, or compliance audits. This option provides clients with a clear, upfront cost that does not change regardless of the time spent on the project.

This option is preferred by SMEs that have specific needs and a limited budget, allowing them to plan and allocate funds without concern for escalating costs.

Retainer: With the retainer option, clients pay a set fee monthly or annually for a bundle of services, which can include ongoing consultancy, regular audits, and continuous monitoring services.

This option is ideal for businesses that require ongoing support and wish to engage in a long-term partnership. It ensures that clients have predictable billing and continuous access to information security expertise, which is particularly appealing to businesses that lack in-house security professionals.

Hourly Rate: Services not covered under fixed-price or retainer agreements, such as additional consulting hours or specialised training sessions, will be billed on an hourly basis.

This option provides flexibility for ad hoc services and allows clients to pay for only what they need beyond the scope of predefined packages. It is suitable for unexpected needs or when a project requires more work than initially anticipated.

Value-Based: For projects that deliver substantial business value, such as enabling a client to achieve a critical certification or implementing a complex Information Security Management System (ISMS), pricing may be adjusted based on the value delivered rather than the time spent.

This approach aligns the cost with the outcomes and benefits received by the client, such as improved security posture or compliance with high-stakes regulations. This method is becoming increasingly popular, as it reflects the strategic investment clients make information security, which can significantly reduce their risk of costly data breaches and fines for non-compliance.

Customised: For clients with unique needs or large-scale projects, Stu Walsh Ltd. offers customised pricing solutions that can combine elements of the above options to suit specific requirements.

This approach ensures that pricing remains adaptable to complex or non-standard projects. Customised solutions are often required by SMEs that operate in niche markets or have particular compliance needs that do not fit standard service packages.

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